The Strange Moon Saga of Edgar Rice Burroughs by D. K. Latta

October 27, 2018 GW Thomas 1

American writer, Edgar Rice Burroughs, was a prolific creator of pulp and adventure stories. Burroughs wrote — as he himself would admit — for the money, but also had a versatile (and sometimes bizarre!) imagination, and he tried his hand at everything from historical fiction (The Outlaw of Torn) to Read More

The Granddaddy of Masked Heroes: Jimmy Dale — The Gray Seal

July 8, 2018 GW Thomas 0

By D. K. Latta Superhero movies and TV shows are big box office these days, with their roots in comic books. While comic book superheroes were inspired by the pulp magazine mystery men that preceded them. The themes and tropes and archetypes relating to superheroes and masked mystery men are Read More